The Future World Order: Evaluating the Main Actors, China and the US

China and the US

The ongoing trade war between the United States and China, which started in 2018, has sparked debates in academic circles. Many experts argue that this conflict could potentially resemble the Second Cold War. In this article, we will critically evaluate the future world order with a focus on the main actors involved, China and the United States. By examining their roots, motivations, and strategies, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the potential outcomes and implications of this global power struggle.

1. Understanding the Historical Roots

The historical roots of the US-China trade war can be traced back to various factors. Firstly, China’s rapid economic rise over the past few decades has challenged the United States’ long-standing position as the world’s leading economic power. This shift in global dynamics has created a sense of unease and competition between the two nations.

Furthermore, issues related to intellectual property theft, market access barriers, and unfair trade practices have been sources of tension. The US accuses China of engaging in unfair trade practices, such as forced technology transfers and subsidizing domestic industries, which it argues create an unlevel playing field.

2. The Geopolitical Implications

The trade war between China and the US has significant geopolitical implications. Both countries have been vying for influence and control in various regions around the world. China’s Belt and Road Initiative, for instance, seeks to expand its economic and political reach through infrastructure development across Asia, Africa, and Europe. In response, the US has been implementing strategies to counter China’s growing influence, such as strengthening alliances with regional partners and promoting its own economic initiatives.

3. Economic Consequences

The trade war has had substantial economic consequences for both China and the United States, as well as the global economy. Tariffs and trade restrictions imposed by both sides have disrupted supply chains, increased costs for businesses, and led to uncertainties in the global market. Additionally, investors have become more cautious, affecting financial markets and investment flows.

While the US and China have implemented several rounds of negotiations to reach a trade agreement, the uncertainty surrounding the future of their economic relationship remains. The outcome of this conflict will likely shape the future economic landscape and trade patterns.

4. Technological Competition and Innovation

Beyond trade and economics, the US-China conflict extends to the technological realm. Both nations recognize the importance of technological leadership in maintaining global influence. The race for dominance in emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, 5G, and quantum computing, has intensified. This competition not only impacts economic growth but also has implications for national security and global technological standards.

5. The Potential Future World Order

The outcome of the US-China trade war will have far-reaching implications for the future world order. If the conflict escalates further, it could lead to a more polarized global system, with countries aligning themselves with either the US or China based on their economic and political interests. This would result in a multipolar world order characterized by heightened rivalries and increased competition.

Alternatively, there is a possibility for a more cooperative future, where the US and China find common ground and establish a mutually beneficial relationship. Collaborative efforts on issues like climate change, global health, and nuclear disarmament could reshape the world order in a more balanced and sustainable direction.


The US-China trade war has triggered discussions about the potential emergence of a new world order. By critically evaluating the main actors, China and the United States, along with their roots and motivations, we can gain insights into the future trajectory of global power dynamics. Whether the future world order will be characterized by competition or cooperation depends on the choices made by these key players. Understanding the implications of this conflict is crucial for individuals

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