List the Steps Pakistan has Taken to Draw Attention to the Condition of Kashmiris living in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir following August 5, 2019

condition of Kashmiris living in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir.”


The Kashmir Conflict’s History August 5, 2019: A Turning Point

Pakistan International Forums and Organizations’ diplomatic efforts
bilateral discussions with India
Awareness-Selling Using Diplomatic Means
Political Efforts
Raising Concerns and Demanding Kashmir Resolutions at the UN
Getting to Know World Leaders
Aid and assistance from the humanitarian community helping Kashmiris
highlighting violations of human rights
Public awareness campaigns and the media
Facebook activism
Press conferences and coverage in the media FAQs


The people who live in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir endure great suffering as a result of the long-running Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan. Pakistan has done a number of actions to raise awareness of the situation of Kashmiris and find solutions since the Indian government abolished Jammu and Kashmir’s special status on August 5, 2019. We shall examine the steps Pakistan has made to spread awareness of the situation in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir in this post.

The Background of the Kashmir Conflict

Since their liberation from British rule in 1947, India and Pakistan have had a territorial dispute over Kashmir. The battle has caused the area to be in a state of chaos, leading to three major conflicts and innumerable skirmishes. The effects of this prolonged conflict have been felt by the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who frequently have their rights and welfare overlooked.

August 5, 2019: A Turning Point

Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which gave Jammu and Kashmir a unique status, was repealed by the Indian government on August 5, 2019, in a contentious move. Due to this choice, the area was divided into two union territories that were under the direct supervision of the Indian government. Pakistan vehemently denounced this conduct and pledged to aid the Kashmiri people in their fight for independence.

Diplomatic Efforts by Pakistan

The subject of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir has frequently been brought up by Pakistan at various international conferences and organizations. In conformity with the pertinent resolutions of the UN Security Council, it has advocated for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The nation has also held bilateral discussions with India, highlighting the importance of communication and finding a fair resolution to the Kashmir dispute.

Along with diplomatic channels, Pakistan has used its diplomatic representation abroad to draw attention to the humanitarian crises and violations of human rights in Indian-occupied Jammu & Kashmir. It has made contact with world leaders, governments, and human rights groups, pleading with them to pay attention to the deteriorating situation and fight for Kashmiris’ rights.

Political Initiatives

In the United Nations General Assembly and other international forums, Pakistan has frequently expressed its worries on the situation of Kashmiris. In order to address the human rights violations and bring about a peaceful conclusion to the conflict, it has advocated for resolutions on Kashmir and urged the international community to do so. Pakistan has attempted to maintain the Kashmir issue on the international table through these initiatives.

Pakistan has also communicated with world leaders, such as presidents of state and governments, to enlist their assistance in resolving the Kashmir dispute. These encounters have aided in drawing attention to the plight of Kashmiris and raising awareness of the problem on a global scale.

Humanitarian Aid and Support

Pakistan has sent aid and help to those in need after becoming aware of the humanitarian catastrophe in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It has provided the Kashmiri people with food, medicine, and other necessities during this difficult time. These initiatives have not only met the immediate needs of the Kashmiris but have also brought attention to the grave circumstances they are in.

Pakistan has repeatedly called attention to the abuses of human rights taking place in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Concerns like arbitrary detentions, extrajudicial killings, and limitations on free speech have been brought to light. Pakistan hopes to increase international pressure on India to uphold the rights and dignity of the Kashmiri people by bringing attention to these transgressions.

Media Campaigns and Public Awareness

Pakistan has used social media platforms in the digital age to start campaigns and spread awareness of the situation of Kashmiris. Globally popular hashtags like #StandWithKashmir and #KashmirBleeds have helped bring attention to the violations of human rights and rally solidarity from people all around the world. Press conferences and media coverage have also been crucial in drawing attention to the difficulties Kashmiris are experiencing as a result of Indian occupation.


After August 5, 2019, Pakistan has made a number of proactive measures to raise awareness of the situation of Kashmiris living in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan has worked to push for a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir dispute through diplomatic efforts, political initiatives, humanitarian aid, and media campaigns. It is still dedicated to helping the Kashmiri people in their fight for independence.

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